
Mission Australia is a Community Service organisation with more than 3,000 staff and 1,000 volunteers. Mission Australia helps those in need to find pathways to a better life. They have been helping to transform the lives of Australians in need for almost 150 years through Employment, Training, Housing, Family, Youth and Community Services.

Their staff includes social workers, youth workers, psychologists, counsellors, community development workers, teachers, allied health workers, trainers, managers, administrators, entrepreneurs and fundraisers.

Business Challenge

Mission Australia selected FlowConnect to develop MACSIMS in June 2007 as its internal system to be used by all Services for activities such as Case Management. The system went live in May 2009 and since then there has been a number of releases to the business users and requirements definition and project planning.

Mission Australia were keen to have an independent QA of the quality of the releases and the time taken to release new versions to the business users.


CMC were commissioned to conduct an independent QA Review of the MACSIMS testing and release management processes including the quality and structure of FlowConnect (FC) project management, team capabilities, scope and estimation activities.

This QA Review focused on Testing and Release Management activities and the actions that had been identified to improve the quality of MACSIMS releases from the vendor to Mission Australia and the time taken to produce a new release.

CMC produced a report which identified the key recommendations and a high-level project plan was developed to indicate how these recommendations could be implemented.